Enter the Global E-commerce Market

With Our Payment Solutions

Enter the Global

E-commerce Market

With Our Payment Solutions

BIGPAYZ platform provides various payment instruments to cater the need of different businesses and merchants. A Single platform integrating our unique offering of payment solutions. It's a small industry and relationships are everything.

Global Payments Partner

BIGPAYZ is a robust and global Payment Gateway to enable fast and easy processing for acquirers, payments service providers (PSPs) and independent sales organizations (ISOs). The platform, includes merchant API, documentation and merchant login sites. The Platform enables 24x7x365 processing of multiple international payment methods and currencies in a secured PCI DSS Level 1 environment. Efficient development suites, well documented web and mobile SDKs allow you to easily get your business accepting payments.

South East Asia solutions

Online Bank Transfer Payment Solution Expand your business in to

South East Asia with 1 Easy Integration

No Chargebacks

No Setup Fees

No download needed

No Reserves

Low MDR %

No customer signup process

No Holds

Work on all devices

1 easy API integration



Malaysia, Thailand, India

Malaysia, Thailand, India